
Showing posts from December, 2022

Looking Spooky Season 1 Episode 4 - The Antichrist: Is there a Nephilim Connection

Description: "Keeping on the trail of this supernatural being, I dig deeper into the Jewish and Biblical roots of these prophecies and beliefs that will bring this supernatural being into existence in the form of this human man that they chose to call "Messiah." There is a trail to follow. A bloodline! The Antichrist has possible bloodline and a trail to follow with a UFO/E.T. connection! It's all right there for us to see if we will only look. As Christians relying on the modern church to give us all of our answers as to what is happening in the spiritual realm, we only get half of the story. I was shocked and amazed at what I found while following this trail and I'm sure that you will be, too!"